Become a first aider that can apply the critical trauma first aid needed to keep a victim alive whilst waiting for professional medical care to arrive.
This course provides a DOL Level 1 First Aid Certificate contextualized to violent crime environments.
There is a large focus on understanding violence dynamics, good tactics for applying first aid in a high risk environment or situation as well as on the specific injuries and wounds related to violent crime encounters.
This course is a must do for any civilian living in an environment rampant with violent crime.
This course runs over two consecutive days for 14 hours each day.
Course Facts:
28 Hours (2 x 14-hour days)
SA Department of Labour
DOL Level 1 (valid for 3 years)
WMX & Kangal Tactical First Aid
Group prices on request
Tuition, course notes, CPR pouch, training equipment.
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