Wilderness & austere environment medicine, rescue and survival courses presented throughout Africa

Real wilderness Real training Real wilderness medical training - intenstive, practical, outside. Dive Medicine Real wilderness medical training - intenstive, practical, outside. Expedition Medicine Expedition medicine training courses for medical professionals in some of the most spectacular settings in the world. Mountain Environment Wild Medix delivers practical wilderness medical training in real wilderness environments. Medical & Rescue Expert and up-to-date training for extreme situations and emergencies. Wilderness Incident Management Practical scenario training with experienced instructors. Desert Environment Practical scenario training with experienced instructors.

Wild Medix is a dynamic South African company dedicated to providing specialised first aid and rescue training for wilderness, tactical, and urban situations. Our services include training, equipment supply, event medical support, and consultation services.

We are passionate about our courses because our training saves lives.

Join us for a Wild Medix training experience – more than just a course!

Upcoming Courses

Wilderness & Remote

Innovative, comprehensive, and unequaled. Our courses aimed at those who work or play in the wilderness areas and remote parts of Africa:

Wilderness First Aider

Advanced Wilderness First Aider

Wilderness First Responder

Wilderness Life Support MP


Developed for the South African situation, our tactical first aid courses are aimed at prepared civilians and those who serve in dangerous environments alike:

Stop the Bleed

Tactical First Aid

Expedition Medicine

Wilderness Medical Society accredited expedition medicine programmes run in some of the most spectacular locations on earth. Aimed at the medical and rescue professional:

Mt Kenya Mountain Medicine

Dive Medicine Expedition

SA Whitewater & Desert Medicine

SA Winter Wilderness Medicine

FAWM Lecture Series

CPD Courses

Comprehensive range of quality courses for medical professionals to earn CPD points.

List of our CPD Courses

WLS for Healthcare Providers

Google Reviews

I have not used the store but I dit attend a course hosted by Walt and if the class is and indication, the store is bound to be topnotch.
I did the level 3 first aid course which was fantastic. It includes scenarios to ensure you gain practical confidence with the theory. They are particular experts in Wilderness medicine so you will get first aid from that perspective - what to do when help is not 1 hour away - which in SA could be at your house.